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Friday, March 22, 2013

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Cucumber

* Raw cucumber, when applied on the skin, can help reduce heat and inflammation.
* The diuretic, cooling and cleansing property of cucumber makes it good for skin.
* Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, acid stomach, gastritis and even ulcer.
* Placing a cucumber slice over the eyes not only soothes them, but also reduces swelling.
* Daily consumption of cucumber juice helps control cases of eczema, arthritis and gout.
* Cucumber has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from lung, stomach and chest problems.
* The potassium in cucumber makes it useful for the problem of high and low blood pressure.
* Cucumber contains Erepsin, the enzyme that helps in protein digestion.
* Cucumber juice is said to promote hair growth, especially when it is added to the juice of carrot, lettuce and spinach.
* Cucumber juice, when mixed with carrot juice, is said to be good for rheumatic conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body.
* Cucumber can prove to be beneficial for those suffering from diseases of the teeth and gums, especially in cases of pyorrhea.
* Being rich in minerals, cucumber helps prevent splitting of nails of the fingers and toes.
* Cucumber has been associated with healing properties in relation to diseases of the kidney, urinary bladder, liver and pancreas.
* Those suffering from diabetes have been found to benefit from the consumption of cucumber/cucumber juice.

Home Remedies for Kidney Stones

• Consume less meat and fish
People with uric-acid stones, generally, have a diet rich in animal protein. This protein increases the formation rate of calcium in the body, which eventually builds up stones. Cut back on food high on protein such as fish roe, herring, mackerel, mussels, sardines and shrimp, wine, red meat and sweetbread.

• Less intake of Vitamin C
An amount of vitamin c more than 3000 mgs per day can be a potent reason for the formation of kidney stones. Our body converts vitamin c into oxalate, which in turn leads in the build up of stones. Therefore, watch out for vitamin C in your diet, but remember it is also an essential vitamin for the body. So, don't cut down on it wholly.

• Increase your Fluid Intake
It is the primary step which reduces the formation of kidney stones. Make sure you drink minimum six to eight glasses of water every day. You can also consume caffeine-free drinks and non-alcoholic beverages, but if you have a tendency of forming kidney stones then avoid consuming decaffeinated tea. You can also consume watermelon as it contains the highest concentration of water when compared to other fruits. Therefore, it is considered beneficial for kidney stones patients.

• Increase the Intake Of vitamin A
For healthy kidneys, vitamin A is an essential ingredient. It is beneficial for the urinary tract and reduces the formation of kidney stones. It can be easily consumed through a balanced diet. Food rich in vitamin A are carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash and broccoli. An excess of vitamin A can also be toxic as your body will not be able to excrete it; so, do not overeat it.

• Olive oil and lemon juice
Another effective remedy for kidney stones is the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. Take the same amount of olive oil and lemon juice i.e. 2 oz, mix them and drink straight. Follow it with a glass of water. It will significantly decrease the stone pain and alleviate the formation of kidney stones.

• Some More Juice

• You can consume 1 cup of juice prepared with radish leaves. It should be taken two times a day.
• Take three slightly raw ladyfingers, cut them into thin long pieces and soak them overnight in two liters of water. In the morning, take out the ladyfingers from the water and squeeze their juice into the same water. Drink the entire water after one to two hours.
• For one month, boil two figs in a cup of water and drink it.
• In the morning, take a glass of tomato juice, but add a pinch of salt into it